Project Summary
The CPI As Mirandas school participated in ERASMUS + KA1 training
programs for teachers through the CFR in Ferrol during the school year
2017-2018 and as bilingual sections are being carried out for Art lessons in 5th and 6th grade with the collaboration of an English
speaking assistant the idea arose to present our project at the European
level. This new project stems from the need to share experiences and knowledge among
different countries and to cross the borders of our classrooms for a global and
personal enrichment We also seek to achieve an openness and awareness of the
plurality of European society. and the world in our students. We found partners
interested in participating in our project that have a proven successful track record on the local level..
We seek an inclusive education at all institutions, regardless of the origin, socio-economic or cultural
background of our students. We also strive to strengthen the competences of the
educators, themselves. The principle of lifelong learning, the use of the potential of European human
and social talent, the use of
cooperation and mobility with our partners will lead us to a highly positive
and successful outcome of the project,
as well as the conviction of the need to live in peace and harmony taking advantage of all our diverse
cultural and traditional backgrounds.
Our main objectives are:
- Understand the mutual
influence among traditions, celebrations and human activities.
- Develop
creativity through Artwork..
- Improve the skills of the participants in foreign languages and promote the broad linguistic diversity of the EU and cultural awareness.
- Acquire skills
and attitudes such as intercultural understanding and social
- Increase awareness of Art events
as a means of sharing
and exchanging cultural knowledge and
- Promote interculturalism through communication and exchange of information based
on openness to cultural
diversity and appreciation of knowledge among different peoples
- Experience a collaborative way of working
with students from
other schools, valuing
and respecting their
different contributions and opinions.
These objectives are the starting
point to increase
the motivation of our students
to learn, to increase
our linguistic competences and to acquire
a better understanding of diverse cultural
differences that make us unique valuing
and respecting other cultures
We have decided to expand the program to 6 different schools in
geographically diverse areas of Europe with diverse
and unique cultural
characteristics that will each send students and teachers to participate in our project. They are:
440 students between
3 a 16 years, 49 - 52 teachers , Project coordinator without previous experience in European Projects KA2.
- POLAND -RZESZOW,, 300 students, 6 -15 years,.30
teachers involved in ecological actions;
- TURKEY – SAMSUN 190 students between,
4 -18 years. 34 teachers
Experience in EU-funded projects.
with 920 children
of 6-19 years, 123 educators. A school open to Europe.
65 students 12 teachers. It uses multicultural projects.
- ITALY- PALERMO., 750 students of 3 -14 years, 75 teachers. Social
variety and educational needs.
This project has a united,
common goal to gain a better understanding of cultural differences and creative skills for integration in our current
multicultural society.
Our project is planned to develop over two years
through different local
and transnational activities combining observation, training, production and assessment of our progress.
Some of the
activities to be carried out are:
- Observing the environment,
- Learning about local and European
cultural holidays, festivities and traditions.
- Development of curriculum about the different cultural topics.
Halloween, Samaín, Guy Fawkes, Magosto, San Andrés, Thanksgiving,
Christmas, Peace Day, Valentine, the dance
of the Dervishes, Carnival, St. Patrick, Easter,
Book Day, May, Floral carpets, children's Day, St. John's.
Methodology: Each topic will focus on a presentation of the cultural
festival, through videos, PowerPoint, readings in English and in the local language. After this we will proceed
to focus on Artwork using different techniques and materials.
In each activity (before, during and after) an assessment will be
made following the planned timetable of the activities. Rubrics
will be made together according
with project coordinator and to the participating teachers.
We will publish
all of the Art work and other outputs related
to the project through e-Twinning and the Blog of each of our schools,
among others.
We expect highly
positive results for partners and a dissemination effect that will reach beyond
the 6 participating schools
and long-term benefits and will include our project permanently in Art and
English lessons schedules
of any school that will want to put it into practice.