We are a small elementary school (about 270 students (6 - 15 years)) and 32 teachers. We are involved in ecological actions, we cooperate with the local Ekoskop Association, we cooperated  with Rzeszow University that prepared special classes for our students, such as robots, Lego, physics in everyday life. We organize a regional ecological competition every year supported by the authorities in our province Podkarpacie.
Our students learn English with enthusiasm, but with few opportunities to know the language in a real context.
The school is located in a poor and unprivileged region of Poland (south-east of the country) in rural areas, which means that children don't have the same chance of succeeding in life as those who come from cities, including access to extracurricular activities. Taking part in such projects gives them a chance to see what life is like abroad, what their peers do at school and most importantly: they can learn and practice English, get to know Europe, working in groups as they prepare the project's activities, learning about the meaning of each country in the European Union. Some parents migrate to the UK or Norway to work and make money, so rather poor families have never been in the and have no opportunity to learn more about other cultures, customs and countries.
The project will be beneficial for teachers who can share ideas with colleagues from different countries, develop their approach and methods or even learn to incorporate language teaching knowledge of the content of their subjects.
Not many teachers at school speak English, so students, still aware of the importance of the foreign language, have not many opportunities to practice English.
Foreign language teachers organize multicultural events every year to promote language learning, this year we prepared a European Special Language Day and we invited primary school students to tell them about our school and our traditions.
We also cooperate with small schools in  local villages in the language and ecology areas.
The key people responsible for the project English teachers are English teachers, as well as ICT and Art teachers. Polish language teachers are actively involved in the development of the project. One of the school's teachers attended the course "Integrated Learning In Content and Language: Practical Ideas for the Primary Classroom" July 2013, 2 weeks in Exeter (United Kingdom) which focused on teacher’s development, funded by the Comenius Longlife Learning, and this project would be the extension of the activities initiated. 

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