The Antonio Hugo School is an Integral Institute within the Zisa-Noce district in Palermo, located in a socially and economically disadvantaged area, not far from the city centre.
The institute includes kindergarten, elementary school and lower secondary  school with 750 students from 3 to 13/14 years old and about 75 teachers.
We have a large number of foreign students from Asia and Africa (2 per class at least) who attend daily school The foreign language offered in our center is English, Older people can choose between French and Spanish as an elective. The student learning process aims - To develop and improve the experience in: legality and democracy (active citizenship); education in sport, health and the environment, - School inclusion, - use of digital technologies, in artistic performances * each year the school chooses a city monument and students become tour guides during 2 days showing people at monument and talking about their history.) Key people responsible -- English language teacher Chiara Billa, contact person, -- the teacher of French Salemi Marilena, deputy director of the center. and other teachers from the English department who will cooperate in the realization of the project all of them with definitive destination in the center, which ensures participation and success throughout the project's production process.
The educational offer centre is geared towards: promoting educational success through an innovative approach, teaching-learning based on cooperative learning, mentoring inverted classroom, coding and problem solving; through action seeking the development of key European citizenship skills specific areas, as well as interdisciplinary activities; develop skills communicative in different forms; promote intercultural education through activities
aimed at giving value to traditions; promote inclusion by acting with educational requirements
students who need it and reduce school drop-out.IKO

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