Wishing you the best for the New Year!
Hoping that our friendship will be forever.
From the CPI As Mirandas we wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Wishing you the best for the New Year!
Hoping that our friendship will be forever.
From the CPI As Mirandas we wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thanksgiving day – November 2023
Our students learn about different European traditions and also about traditions related to English – speaking countries.
For this reason, every year we talk about Thanksgiving Day in our school.
They really enjoy getting closer to different cultures and traditions, improving their English skills and also expanding their culture.
Every year, this is an important event in England.
In 1605. November 5th Guy Fawkes and a group of men tried to blow up the Government and kill the king James I.
They were discovered and since 1606 people celebrate this date with bonfires, fireworks,…
It is a very important date for English people and they won’t forget it.