Sunday 19 May 2024

The Ants' Party - Storytelling by the 5th grade students . CPI As Mirandas

 "The Ants' Party"  A funny storytelling session by the 6th grade students.

On the 13th, 15th and 16th of May the 6th grade students held several storytelling sessions for the Pre-school education students and 1st and 2nd year of Primary education.

A good way to motivate our students and help them improve their communication skills, 

It has been a great experience for both the storytellers and the audience.

Tuesday 23 April 2024

WORLD BOOK DAY - April 23rd 2024

From schools to our homes we know that books are very important in our lives. They show us stories, facts, information about the world and much more.

Every year we celebrate this special date in honour of books. We prepare different activities at school trying to increase the interest in reading as a way to learn and enjoy.

World Book Day was first celebrated in 1995. It is a time when the joy of reading can be appreciated and celebrated in more than 100 countries around the world.


Monday 25 March 2024



    This year we are celebrating Easter at the end of March. Before we went home for the holidays we could learn some interesting facts about this date by watching a short video. 


Afterwards we decorated Easter eggs and put them on the noticeboard at the main entrance.








Sunday 17 March 2024


    This year some important celebrations have coincided with the weekend and for this reason we had to work on them before or after the date.

    Valentine's Day was during the carnival. We were working on it with presentations, worksheets and some arts and crafts before the date.


    And now it is St. Patrick's Day, a very important event in Ireland and wherever Irish people live.

    We started by remembering or learning about the origin of this celebration, and some important legends and traditions around it, such as the leprechaun and his pot of gold.

    The students really enjoyed participating in the different activities and arts and crafts.

    The youngest ones made shamrocks to decorate the board in the school hall. They listened to Irish music and even danced a traditional dance.

    The others watched a video telling the story of St. Patrick. They learnt vocabulary and made crafts:

    A door hanger, a mini-book and a greeting card. They also carried out other activities related to this event.

     Our school now has a green air and a spring spirit!!