Saturday 1 February 2020


In January 2020, our students were  learning about some special people from around the World who worked to make a better and peaceful World.

During this month our students were doing different activities, like a World Map with some special famous people who dedicated their lives to get the Peace. 

Some students made a giant poster using recycling material. 

The students learnt about all the works that these people did around the World..

They could understand their importance,, how they made some changes in the society. Children made different works depending on their ages like preparing short biographies about these people, drawings, portraits or doves for peace. They learnt about the human rights and some important historical moments.  All our students were involved on this work from 3 to 16 years old.

On January 30th we had a big celebration in our school, with the participation of students and teachers, with many acts, like reading important messages, dances of the World and to close the festivity all of us singing , dancing and using sign language  with the song “Bajo el mismo sol” from Álvaro Soler.

We hope than one day there won't be more wars or injustices around the World and All people will live in Peace. 

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