Saturday, 30 November 2019


O venres 29 de novembro o noso centro despediu aos integrantes do grupo Erasmus + que estiveron a acompañarnos durante toda a semana. Unha festa rachada na que non faltaron as nosas tradicións: magosto, castañas, bailes tradicionais, xogos, cancións…. e ata chiculate con churros.
Parabéns a toda a comunidade educativa  que traballou a esgallo para que todo resultase marabillosamente ben.

Desde aquí queremos dar as grazas tamén ao Grupo de Gaitas de Ares e a Miguel, o seu director, así como ao grupo Areas do Mar de Ares con Teresa Muiños á cabeza. Mil grazas por colaborar con nós nesta xornada.

Desexamos aos nosos amigos Erasmus+, que gozaran da súa estancia en Ares e que teñan unha boa viaxe de volta aos seus respectivos países. 
Esta despedida é so un ata logo xa que pronto lles devolveremos a visita.

Como unha imaxe, as veces, vale máis que mil palabras, aquí tedes a reportaxe gráfica da xornada.

Os compañeiros de Turquía agasalláronnos cunha danza típica do seu país.

Tamén as nosas profesoras puxeron a nota musical coa canción  "Ahí ven o maio" de Curros Enríquez
Grazas mil pola vosa profesionalidade!!!

Radio Voz

Cadena COPE

Friday, 29 November 2019

La Voz de Galicia


Finally, this experience has ended. Today we say goodbye, but we meet up again soon. Have a nice trip!! 


Friday, 29th November

In the morning Erasmus group went to Santa Catalina.

And then all together enjoyed the Magosto in the school.

Thursday, 28th November

Yesterday we spent the day in Coruña. We visited the city with a guide, also we went to Domus and Aquarium. 

Wednesday, 27th November

Last Wednesday we visited Pontedeume in the morning. We went to the Torreón dos Andrade and we have lunch in IES Fragas do Eume. Then, in the afternoon we visited the Museo de Historia Natural de Ferrol and Canido. We enjoyed their Meninas.


Dende o 24 e  ata o 29 de novembro no noso centro, o CPI As Mirandas, compartiremos experiencias con 20 alumnos/as e 12 profesores/as de 5 países (Turquía, Polonia, Romanía, Grecia e Italia) cos que estamos levando a termo un proxecto europeo,KA229: Manifestacións artísticas desde as festividades e tradicións europeas”.
Este  domingo foron recibidos por unha representación do centro e realizaron unha etapa do Camiño de Santiago así como unha visita guiada polo casco histórico.
Hoxe luns realizaron unha visita ao Concello onde foron recibidos polo alcalde e representantes do Concello. Seguidamente fixémoslles unha benvida no noso centro. O alumnado de primaria así como un grupiño de alumnos da ESO agasalláronos  cun mini concerto e bailes típicos. Logo percorreron as aulas de primaria e infantil e departiron con profes e nen@s.  Tamén participaron no acto que realizamos no centro con motivo do Día Internacional contra a Violencia de Xénero, no que estiveron tamén representantes do concello e do CIM (Centro de atención  á muller).

Desexámoslle unha estupenda estadía na nosa vila xunto a todos nós e ás familias acolledoras.

Seguiremos informando desde tesmoitalingua e a páxina web do noso cole.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Tuesday, 26th November

Yesterday we went to Betanzos to visit the town with a guide and the Centro Internacional da Estampa Contemporánea. As you can see in the video, we enjoyed a lot.

Monday, 25th November

Summary of activities doing on Monday, 25th November in CPI As Mirandas, Ares (Spain).

Sunday, 24 November 2019

Sunday, 24th november 2019

Today, Spanish teachers and the rest of European groups (students and teachers) met up in Santiago very early in the morning. 

Then, we did the last stage of The Way of Saint James. You can get more information about that in the official webpage.

Later, we visited the city center and the Cathedral with a guide.

The morning was really busy, so we enjoyed a lot having lunch in the restaurant.

Finally, we took the bus to go to Ares. Families were waiting for us!!

They are here!! What's going to happen this week?

Finally, we are together!! 

In the school web you can check how the visitors have arrived to Galicia, their first moments here and a little briefing about what is going to happen this week.

Friday, 22 November 2019

Excited and nervous!!!

As you can see in the pictures, today we were working a lot decorating our school to receive you.

Also, we were practising some surprises for you! But this is another story you are going to discover next week, not now. Just a clue:

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Polish suggestions for our Erasmus+ logo competition

Which one is the best? ...Hard to decide...

Thursday, 21 November 2019

The scariest (and funniest) door

As we told you, we decorated doors in Halloween to scare people. 
Today, secundary students have received different certificates, according to the position they have gotten in the ranking.

The gold went to...

 The silver went to... (probably, the funniest one!)

And the podium was closed by...

The rest of the participants have received a certificate for having done their best.